Secret Backlink with Smiley

Looking to create backlinks to improve your sites rank?

Backlinks will improve your website ranking. You need backlinks on high Page Rank sites to help boost your own site’s rank. This is easy to do. For example, you can simply post comments on other people’s blogs.

Here is a trick you can try to hide your backlink within a smiley.

Create a backlink that is hidden through the use of a Smiley……..


If you click the smiley above – it will go to a website.

If you are looking to create a backlink on a blog you can usually post this in the comment section etc, or use it on a forum post. Usually the backlink will go undetected. It will simply look like a normal smiley.

This is a great trick – and I don’t encourage using it if it is against the sites Terms of Service. But – up to you. Use it as you see fit.

For Newbies – Here is the code;

For Forums;

[ U R L = " h t t p : / / w w w . g o o g l e . c o m " ] : ) [/url]

For Wordpress Blogs;


This is a good way to hide your backlinks. Whether this is Blackhat or Whitehat – I don’t know. But – either way – check out the site’s Terms of Service unless you want to be banned.

Remember – creating backlinks is going to help your site significantly, so spend the time doing it.

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